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After a Heart Transplant This TV Chef Has a New Life Recipe

After a Heart Transplant This TV Chef Has a New Life Recipe

Lorenzo Beronilla is an actor and former tennis player who gained recognition as a food influencer. His initial fame came as a regular on the widely popular, Epicurious YouTube “Four Levels of…” series, which has tens of millions of views. Lorenzo later competed – and won – an episode Bravo TV’s Top Chef Amateurs series. Healthy and fitContinue reading “After a Heart Transplant This TV Chef Has a New Life Recipe”

Women Can Have Heart Attacks, Too: Signs You Should Know

Medically reviewed by Amala Chirumamilla, MDHeart attacks aren’t discriminatory — they can affect anyone, regardless of gender. However, the signs of a heart attack in women can sometimes differ from the classic symptoms often portrayed in the media. Understanding these signs is crucial for timely intervention and potentially life-saving actions.What to Look ForLearn to RecognizeContinue reading “Women Can Have Heart Attacks, Too: Signs You Should Know”

How to Stay Calm During Medical Procedures

Have you ever walked into a medical office and gotten queasy, shaky, or sick to your stomach at the mere sight of a set of scrubs? Does the thought of needles, hospital gowns, and heart monitors make your heart skip a beat? You’re not alone. Anxiety brought on by doctors’ offices and medical procedures isContinue reading “How to Stay Calm During Medical Procedures”