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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Are Earbuds Safe?

Posted By: Advancing Care

As seen in the July/August 2019 issue of Advancing Care.

It’s tempting to crank up your headphones during a summer run or while lounging in the sun, but always be careful when wearing earbuds, cautions Harlan M. Rozenberg, DO, a family physician at MidHudson Regional Hospital, a member of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMCHealth).

Earbuds, especially those with a rubber casing around the outside, can block out ambient noise, making it more difficult to notice pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles.

With open-air earbuds, when surrounding noise increases, users have a tendency to raise the volume. That “can cause hearing damage that may not be apparent until years later,” he says.

Follow the 60-60 rule: “If you’re using the volume at 60 percent of a device’s capacity, limit listening to 60 minutes,” he says. “If you increase the decibels louder than this, listen for an even shorter period of time. Save your ears now for better long-term hearing health down the line.”

Do you have a health-related question for a WMCHealth physician or specialist?
Email your questions to [email protected], with “Just the Facts” in the subject heading. Your question may be featured in a future issue.

Visit us at MidHudson Regional Hospital, a member of Westchester Medical Center Health Network, to learn more. Advancing Care. Here.